The UMC 2025 submission period is now open!

Submissions Closed

Submissions for the 2023/2024 contest period are now closed. 

Stay tuned for updates on this year's winners and the 2024/2025 UMC case competition!






The CanadianTire Marketing Challenge Contest (the “Contest”) is open to residentsof Canada (excluding Quebec) and shall be construed and evaluated accordingto applicable Canadian law. No purchase necessary. Participants must beeighteen (18) years of age or older in their province or territory ofresidence at the time of entry. Void in whole or in part where prohibited bylaw. Entry in this Contest constitutes acceptance of these Contest rules (the“Contest Rules”).


1.SPONSOR: The Contest sponsor is Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited(“CTC” or the “Sponsor”) with its head office located at 2180 YongeStreet, Toronto, Ontario Canada, M4P 2V8. This Contest is also administeredby the Sponsor. This Contest is in no way sponsored, administered, endorsedby or associated with Facebook from Meta (“Facebook”), Instagram fromMeta (“Instagram”), LinkedIn Corporation (“LinkedIn Corp.”) orTwitter, Inc. (“Twitter”). Any questions, comments or complaints mustbe directed to the Sponsor, and not to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Corp. orTwitter.


2.ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible for this Contest, an individual must:

(a) be alegal resident of Canada (excluding Quebec);

(b) beeighteen (18) years of age or older in their province/territory of residenceat time of entry;

(c) be anundergraduate student currently enrolled at an accredited Canadian University;and

(d) be anundergraduate student not in their graduating or final year of studies


Employees ofthe Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, related companies, advertising andpromotional agencies, and those living in the same household (whether or notrelated) of any of the above, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

The Sponsorshall have the right at any time to require proof of identity and/oreligibility to participate in the Contest. Failure to provide such proof mayresult in disqualification. All personal and other information requested byand supplied to the Sponsor for the purpose of the Contest must be truthful,complete, accurate and in no way misleading. The Sponsor reserves the right,in its sole discretion; to disqualify any entrant should such an entrant atany stage supply untruthful, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading personaldetails and/or information. 


3. CONTESTPERIOD. The Contest begins on November 8, 2023 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time(“ET”) and ends on Friday, January 12, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “ContestPeriod”). 



(a) There isno purchase necessary to enter the Contest. Enter using only one of themethods of entry outlined below. No entries will be accepted by any othermeans.

(i) Entrantswill have from November 8, 2023 at 12:00 a.m. to January 12, 2024 at 11:59p.m. ET (the “Round 1 Application Period”) to enter, after which timethe Contest will be closed and no further entries shall be accepted.

(ii) Toenter, eligible students must form a team of two (2) or three (3). The teamof students must attend an accredited Canadian University or College. Teammembers can attend the same or multiple different accredited CanadianUniversities or Colleges (each a “Team”, collectively the “Teams”).

(iii) Duringthe Round 1 Application Period, each Team must complete the following:

i. Visit (the“Site”);

ii. View the case topic (the “Case”);

iii. Complete a 2-page business reportbased on the Case that includes the following information:

With abudget of $2,500,000, create an integrated marketing campaign to help increaseCTR’s gift registry market share and build awareness amongst Millennials andGen Z. Pick a 6-week period in 2025[CN1]  to run the campaign and explain how youwill sustain it for the following year. You will have access to CTR’s fullportfolio of owned, earned, and paid marketing channels.



1. Industry Analysis

2. Assessment of CTR’s Current State (i.e., internal analysis)

3. Campaign Strategy and Concept ($2,500,000)

a. Target Market

b. Value Proposition

c. Objectives

d. Tactics & Key Messaging

e. Media Block Chart – Timing, Tactics,and Budget

f. Estimated Return on Investment.[CN2] 

(iv) Agree tothe Contest Rules; and

(v) Submitthe required information outlined in 4(a)(iii) above on the Site in one (1)of the following formats:

 • 12 slide maximum PowerPointpresentation, with maximum 10-page appendices (PDF);

 • 7 minute maximum video (YouTubeor Vimeo link); or

 • 2-page maximum written report(Arial font, size 10, single space), with 10-page maximum appendices (PDF).

(each an “Entry”,collectively the “Entries”)

(b) There aretwo (2) rounds of evaluations (Round 1 and Round 2 as defined below) thatwill occur during the Contest Period. Entries will be evaluated based on four(4) weighted criteria (described below in paragraph 6(b)) and will be given atotal score out of one hundred (100) (the “Score”).

(c) The firstround will consist of the evaluations of all the submitted Entries by the endof the Round 1 Application Period (“Round 1”). The top five (5)Entries with the highest Scores from Round 1 will move on to Round 2 (asdefined below) (“The Top Five”).

(d) The TopFive will proceed to the second round of evaluations where they will presenttheir Entry to a panel of four (4) to eight (8) judges that consist ofmembers from Canadian Tire’s leadership team (“Round 2”). Sponsor andthe other Releasees will not be responsible in the event any activity isdelayed, cancelled, postponed or rescheduled for any reason whatsoever,including without limitation, by reason of COVID-19.



(i). To enter without submitting theinformation outlined in 4(a)(iii) above, entrants must submit a handwrittenresponse of two-hundred (200) words or less and “Tell us about your mostmemorable Canadian Tire experience”. Responses must be emailed to thefollowing address:


(ii) All Entries received using thismethod must include: (i) the entrant’s first and last name; and (ii) emailaddress. No Purchase Entry Requests must be postmarked between November30, 2023 and January 12, 2024  at 11:59p.m. ET and received by the Sponsor no later than January 19, 2024.[CN3] 

(collectively, a “No Purchase EntryRequest”)


(e) Limitof one (1) Entry per Team from a valid email account, or No Purchase EntryRequest. Creation and use of multiple or alias accounts in order toexceed the limits on Entries permitted by the Contest Rules may result in thedisqualification of all Entries from such accounts as well asdisqualification of the entrant from the Contest.


(f) In theevent of a dispute regarding who submitted an Entry or No Purchase EntryRequest, the authorized subscriber of the email account used to participatein the Contest at the time of entry will be deemed to be the entrant. Theauthorized account subscriber is defined as the natural person who isassigned an email account that can be verified by Sponsor. For furtherclarity, for the purpose of the Contest Rules, “authorized accountsubscriber” of a valid email account is defined as the natural person who isassigned an email account by an internet access provider ortelecommunications provider, on-line service provider, or other organizationresponsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with theemail address (as applicable). Each entrant may be required to provide theSponsor with proof that the entrant is the authorized account holder of theemail address that is associated with the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request.If an entrant opts to use his/her email account via a wireless mobile device(which is not required to enter the Contest), standard data rates may applyfor each message sent or received. Wireless carriers’ rate plans may vary, andentrants should contact their wireless carrier for more information onmessaging rate plans and charges relating to participation in the Contest.Entrant also understands that mobile device service may not be available inall areas.


(g) Byparticipating in this Contest, entrant acknowledges, represents and warrantsthat: (i) the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request does not contain anymaterial that is libelous, defamatory, profane or obscene and does notviolate any laws relating to hate speech or otherwise, the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request is an original work, solely created by the entrant,and that no third party participated as an author, co-author, photographer orotherwise in the creation of the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request or anypart thereof and that all right, title, and interest (including copyright)therein and thereto is owned and/or controlled by the entrant to the fullextent necessary to enable the Sponsor to use the Entry or No Purchase EntryRequest as contemplated by these Contest Rules; (iii) the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request does not infringe upon the intellectual property orother statutory or common law rights of any third party; and (iv) ifapplicable, any minor shown in the Entry and the submission of the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request is made with any required consent of a parent and/orlegal guardian of such minor.


(h) You agreethat the Sponsor may, at any time, edit, modify or remove the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request, in whole or in part, and may disqualify an entrantfrom the Contest if the Sponsor believes, in its sole discretion, that theentrant has breached any of the representations and warranties made aboveincluding, without limitation, on the basis of concerns relating to therights of third parties, including but not limited to privacy, copyright,defamation, rights of personality, obscenity or hate speech.


(i) Bysubmitting this Entry or No Purchase Entry Request you, the entrant, confirmthat you have obtained all required consent for use and publication of theEntry or No Purchase Entry Request for the purpose of this Contest, from allindividuals who appear in the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request beingsubmitted (if applicable).


(j) AllEntries or No Purchase Entry Requests become the sole property of the Sponsorand will not be returned for any reason. By submitting the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request, the entrant assigns to the Sponsor all of entrant’sright, title and interest, including copyright, in and to the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request, throughout the world in perpetuity. For greatercertainty, the entrant acknowledges that, as a result of this assignment, theSponsor will have the exclusive and perpetual right to exploit the Winner’snames, their photograph or likeness and the Entry or No Purchase EntryRequest in any media now known or later developed in whatever ways theSponsor may determine in its sole discretion and to authorize others to doso. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to reproduce, distribute,publish, exploit, display, communicate to the public by telecommunication,transmit, broadcast and otherwise use and exploit the Entry or No PurchaseEntry Request, in whole or in part and to edit, add to, or modify the Entryor No Purchase Entry Request in any way, all without further obligation orcompensation of any kind to the entrant. By submitting the Entry or NoPurchase Entry Request, the entrant waives all of its so-called “moralrights” that it may enjoy in any territory throughout the world in relationto the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request. Upon request by the Sponsor, theentrant agrees that it shall sign (or cause to be signed) all furtherdocuments or do (or cause to be done) all further acts and provide allreasonable assurances as may reasonably be necessary or desirable to giveeffect to the assignment of the entrant’s rights in the Entry or No PurchaseEntry Request.


(k) Entriesand No Purchase Entry Requests must be received no later than the end of theRound 1 Application Period. Entries or No Purchase Entry Requests will bedeclared invalid if they are late, illegible, incomplete, damaged, irregular,mutilated, forged, garbled or mechanically or electronically reproduced. Nocommunication or correspondence will be exchanged with entrants except withthose (1) selected for Round 2 evaluations; (2) a prize; or (3) that havesent questions or other communication to the Sponsor in addition to making anEntry or No Purchase Entry Request.



(l) ThisContest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated withFacebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Corp. or Twitter. Entrants are providing theirinformation to the Sponsor and not to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Corp. orTwitter except as provided within the applicable social platform Terms of Useand any other rules posted on their site. 



(a) Theprizes are hereafter referred to as the “Prizes”, each a “Prize”.The confirmed Prize winners are hereafter referred to as the “Winning Teams”,each a “Winning Team” or “Winner”.

(b) There arefour (4) Prizes available to be won during the Contest Period, and consist ofthe following:

FirstPlace Prize

i. Each Team member will receive $5,000.00CAD in cash;

ii. $1,000.00 CAD in electronic CanadianTire Money®;

iii. Fast-Track access to the EmergingMarketer Interviews. Winners will be given access to the Case Round ofInterviews, which will take place between August and October 2024; and

iv. An opportunity to meet with anexecutive from Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, at either the VP or SVPlevel.

SecondPlace Prize

i. Each Team member will receive$2,000.00 CAD in cash;

ii. $500.00 CAD in electronic CanadianTire Money®; and

iii. An opportunity to meet with anexecutive at Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, at the VP level.

ThirdPlace Prize

i. Each Team member will receive$1,000.00 CAD in cash;

ii. $250.00 CAD in electronic CanadianTire Money®; and

iii. An opportunity to meet with anexecutive at Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, at either the AVP or VPlevel.

Runner Up Prize

(i). One (1) $50.00 CAD Sport Chek GiftCard*.

*Use of Gift Cards are subject to theterms and conditions of the issuer.

(c) The totalARV of the Prizes is between nineteen thousand five hundred and twenty-ninethousand two hundred fifty Canadian dollars ($19,500.00 - $29,250.00 CAD).

(d) Each Teamor No Purchase Entry Request entrant is only eligible to win one (1) Prizeduring the Contest Period.

(e) Winnersare not entitled to monetary difference between actual Prize value and statedARV of the Prize, if any.

(f) EachPrize will be awarded once Round 2 evaluations are completed and the WinningTeams have been declared, notified of their Prize and otherwise fulfilled therequirements set out herein.

(g) The Prizemust be accepted by the Winners as awarded and cannot be transferred,exchanged, assigned, substituted or redeemed for cash, except at the solediscretion of the Sponsor. Any unused portion of a Prize will be forfeitedand has no cash value. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion,to substitute a Prize of equal or greater value if a Prize (or any portionthereof) cannot be awarded for any reason.

(h) TheSponsor shall not assume any liability for lost, damaged or misdirectedPrizes. 



Three (3)Winning Teams shall be selected as follows:

(a) On orabout Friday, March 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET in Toronto, Ontario, three (3)Teams will be selected based on their total Score after Round 2 evaluations.Each Team shall be eligible to win only one (1) Prize. The odds of beingselected as a Winning Team is dependent upon the number and calibre ofeligible Entries received by the Sponsor during the Round 1 ApplicationPeriod, and three (3) in five (5) during Round 2 evaluations which will bebased on the Scores awarded by the judges. Before being declared a WinningTeam, the Winning Team shall be required to: (i) comply with the ContestRules, (ii) correctly answer, without assistance of any kind, whethermechanical or otherwise, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing questionto be administered during the event; and (iii) sign and return theConfirmation and Release (described below).

(b) Therewill be a panel of four (4) to eight (8) judges. Judges will be a combinationof AVPs, VPs and Senior VPs in the Sponsor’s Marketing Department. In Round 1and Round 2 each judge will award a Score out of one hundred (100). Thebreakdown of scoring is as follows:




1. Insight-DrivenDecisions 


2. StrategicThinking  


3. Actionable Recommendations 


4. Professional Presentation 



Maximum100 Points 

In the eventof a tie, judges will score teams on innovative conceptualization out of five(5) to act as a tie breaker. The judges, in their absolute discretion, shallselect a Winning Team based upon the above criteria. The decisions of thejudges shall be final and binding and may not be challenged in any way.

(c) WinningTeams will be notified immediately after Round 2 evaluations are completed.


Runner UpPrize

a. Once thethree (3) Winning Teams have been selected and notified, one (1) Team or NoPurchase Entry Request will be selected for the Runner Up Prize by a randomelectronic draw (using which will generate a random number thatwill match up against a list of the eligible entrants) from all remainingeligible Entries and No Purchase Entry Requests received during the ContestPeriod. The odds of being selected as the potential winner of the Runner UpPrize is dependent upon the number of eligible Entries and No Purchase EntryRequests received by the Sponsor. Before being declared a Winner, theselected entrant(s) shall be required to: (i) comply with the Contest Rules;(ii) correctly answer, without assistance of any kind, whether mechanical orotherwise, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question to beadministered during a pre-arranged telephone call or by e-mail; and (iii)sign and return the Confirmation and Release (described below).

b. Theselected entrant(s) will be notified by email no later than March 6, 2024 by6:00 p.m. ET. The Sponsor will make a minimum of three (3) attempts tocontact the selected entrant(s) within ten (10) business days of the drawdate. Upon notification, the selected entrant(s) must provide requiredinformation in compliance with these Contest Rules to the email provided inthe notification, and the selected entrant’s response must be received by theSponsor within five (5) business days after being notified. Ifthe selected entrant(s) does not respond in accordance with the ContestRules, he/she will be disqualified and will not receive the Prize and anotherentrant may be selected, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, until such time asan entrant satisfies the terms set out herein. The Sponsor is not responsiblefor the failure for any reason whatsoever of a selected entrant(s) to receivenotification or for the Sponsor to receive a selected entrant’s response.

(d) If, as aresult of an error relating to the entry process, drawing or any other aspectof the Contest, there are more selected entrants than contemplated in theseContest Rules, there will be a random draw amongst all eligible Prizeclaimants after the Contest’s closing date to award the correct number ofPrizes.



7.RELEASE. Each Winner will be required to execute a release and waiver(“Confirmation and Release”) that confirms the entrants: (i) eligibility forthe Contest and compliance with these Contest Rules; (ii) acceptance of thePrize as offered; (iii) release of the Sponsor, Canadian Tire AssociateDealers, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Corp., Twitter and each of theirsubsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, employees, directors, officers,suppliers, agents, sponsors, administrators, licensees, representatives,advertising, media buying and promotional agencies (collectively, the “Releasees”)from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expensearising out of participation in the Contest, participation in anyContest-related activity or the acceptance, use, or misuse of any Prize,including but not limited to costs, injuries, losses related to personalinjuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction of property, rights ofpublicity or privacy, defamation, or portrayal in a false light, or from anyand all claims of third parties arising therefrom; (iv) grant to the Sponsorthe unrestricted right, in the Sponsor’s individual discretion, to produce,reproduce, publish, broadcast, communicate by telecommunication, exhibit,distribute, adapt and otherwise use or re-use the Winner’s names, theirphotograph or likeness, and the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request, in anyand all media now known or hereafter devised, in connection with the Contestand the promotion and exploitation thereof; (v) assignment to the Sponsor allof Winning Team’s right, title and interest, including copyright in and tothe Entry or No Purchase Entry Request, throughout the world in perpetuityand acknowledgment that, as a result of this assignment, the Sponsor willhave the exclusive and perpetual right to exploit the Winner’s names, theirphotograph or likeness, and the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request in anymedia now known or later developed in whatever ways the Sponsor may determinein its sole discretion and to authorize others to do so, including withoutlimitation, the right to reproduce, distribute, publish, exploit, display,communicate to the public by telecommunication, transmit, broadcast andotherwise use and exploit the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request, in whole orin part and to edit, add to, or modify the Entry or No Purchase Entry Requestin any way, all without further obligation or compensation of any kind to theWinning Team; (vi) waiver of all of Winning Team’s so-called “moral rights”that it may enjoy in any territory throughout the world in relation to the Entryor No Purchase Entry Request, to the maximum extent permitted by law; and(vii) acknowledgement that, upon request by the Sponsor, Winning Team shallsign (or cause to be signed) all further documents or do (or cause to bedone) all further acts and provide all reasonable assurances as mayreasonably be necessary or desirable to give effect to the assignment of theWinners or Winning Team’s rights in the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request. Theexecuted Confirmation and Release must be returned within five (5) businessdays of the verification as a Winner or the selected entrant(s) will bedisqualified, and the Prize forfeited.


8.INDEMNIFICATION BY ENTRANT. By entering the Contest, entrant releases andholds Releasees harmless from any and all liability for any injuries, loss ordamage of any kind to the entrant or any other person, including personalinjury, death, or property damage, resulting in whole or in part, directly orindirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any Prize, participationin the Contest, any breach of the Contest Rules, or in any Prize-relatedactivity. The entrant agrees to fully indemnify Releasees from any and allclaims by third parties relating to the Contest, including without limitationany claims of infringement of rights to copyright, privacy and/orpersonality. 


9.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The Sponsor assumes no responsibility orliability for: (a) lost, late, unintelligible/illegible, falsified, damaged,misdirected or incomplete Entries or No Purchase Entry Requests,notifications, responses, replies or any Confirmation and Release, (b) anycomputer, online, software, telephone, hardware or technical malfunctionsthat may occur, including but not limited to malfunctions that may affect thetransmission or non-transmission of an Entry or No Purchase Entry Request,(c) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by website usersor by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in theContest or by any technical or human error which may occur in theadministration of the Contest, (d) any error, omission, interruption,deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications linefailure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of,Entries or No Purchase Entry Requests, (e) any problems, failures ortechnical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer onlinesystems, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, e-mail, players,or browsers, on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on theInternet, at any website, or on account of any combination of the foregoing,(f) any injury or damage to entrant or to any computer related to orresulting from participating or downloading materials in this Contest.Entrant assumes liability for injuries caused or claimed to be caused byparticipating in the Contest, or by the acceptance, possession, use of, orfailure to receive any Prize. The Sponsor assumes no responsibility orliability in the event that the Contest cannot be conducted as planned forany reason, including those reasons beyond the control of the Sponsor,including but not limited to, infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering,unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or corruption of theadministration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of thisContest. The Releasees make no warranty, guaranty, or representation of anykind concerning any Prize and disclaim any implied warranty, guaranty, orrepresentation.


10.CONDUCT. By participating in the Contest, each entrant agrees to be boundby the Contest Rules, which will be made available online Entrant further agrees to bebound by the decisions of the Sponsor, which shall be final and binding inall respects. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, todisqualify any entrant found to be: (a) violating the Contest Rules; (b)tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry process or the operation ofthe Contest; (c) violating the terms of service, conditions of use and/orgeneral rules or guidelines of any online CTC property or service; and/or (d)acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy,abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Caution: Any attemptto deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be aviolation of criminal and civil laws. Should such an attempt be made, theSponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extentpermitted by law, including but not limited to criminal prosecution.



(a) Byparticipating in the Contest, entrant: (i) grants to the Sponsor the right touse his/her name, mailing address, the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request,telephone number, and email address for the purpose of administering theContest, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the WinningTeams; (ii) grants to the Sponsor the right to use his/her name, photographor likeness, and the Entry or No Purchase Entry Request for Contestadministration, publicity, and promotional purposes relating to the Contest,in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, without furthercompensation unless prohibited by law; and (iii) acknowledges that theSponsor may disclose his/her name, photograph or likeness, and the Entry orNo Purchase Entry Request to third-party agents and service providers actingon behalf of the Sponsor in connection with any of the activities listed in(i) and (ii) above.

(b) TheSponsor will use the entrant’s Personal Information only for identifiedpurposes, and protect the entrant’s Personal Information in a manner that isconsistent with the CTC Privacy Policy at:

CTC’s PrivacyPolicy outlines its commitment to safeguarding Personal Information. 


12.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  All intellectual property, including but notlimited to trade-marks, trade names, logos, designs, copyrights and any otherintellectual property and trade secrets contained in any materials includingwithout limitation print, digital and any other media is owned by the Sponsorand/or their affiliates, unless otherwise stated. All rights are reserved.Unauthorized copying or other use of such material without the expresswritten consent of its owner is strictly prohibited.


13.TERMINATION. The Sponsor reserves the right, to terminate the Contest, inwhole or in part, and/or modify, amend or suspend the Contest, and/or theContest Rules in any way, at any time, for any reason without prior notice.


14. LAW. Theseare the Official Contest Rules. The Contest is subject to applicable federal,provincial and municipal laws and regulations. The Contest Rules are subjectto change without notice in order to comply with any applicable federal,provincial and municipal laws or the policy of any other entity havingjurisdiction over the Sponsor. All issues and questions concerning theconstruction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the ContestRules or the rights and obligations as between the entrant and the Sponsor inconnection with the Contest shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the laws of the province of Ontario including procedural provisionswithout giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules orprovisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’s laws.FURTHER, IN ANY SUCH DISPUTE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL AN ENTRANT BEPERMITTED OR ENTITLED TO OBTAIN (AND HEREBY WAIVES ALL RIGHTS TO SEEK ORCLAIM) INJUNCTIVE, EQUITABLE, OR OTHER NON-MONETARY RELIEF OR AWARDS FORPUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES,INCLUDING LAWYERS’ FEES, OTHER THAN ENTRANT’S ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES(IF ANY), NOT TO EXCEED TEN DOLLARS ($10), AND ENTRANT FURTHER WAIVES ALLRIGHTS TO HAVE DAMAGES MULTIPLIED OR INCREASED.


15.SEVERABILITY. If any term or condition of the Contest Rules is invalid,illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality orunenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of the ContestRules.


16.OFFICIAL RULES. These Official Contest Rules are available or by sending an email . Limit one (1) request per outer envelope.Rules requests must be received during the Contest Period.


17.LANGUAGE DISCREPANCY. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistencybetween the terms and conditions of the Contest Rules and disclosures orother statements contained in any Contest-related materials, including butnot limited to the Contest entry form, or point of sale, television, print oronline advertising, the terms and conditions of the Contest Rules shallprevail.


18.SPONSOR. The Sponsor of the Contest and the address at which the Sponsormay be contacted is Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, 2180 Yonge St.Toronto, Ontario Canada, M4P 2V8. Reference to third parties in connectionwith the Prize is for reference and identification purposes only and notintended to suggest endorsement, sponsorship or affiliation with Sponsor orthe Contest.